Stuffed Zucchini Flowers


Stuffed Zucchini Flowers







  • Zucchini flowers, leave about 2 inches of stem on, cleaned of dirt and inner pistil
  • ricotta
  • Grated parmesan or other Italian cheese
  • granulated garlic
  • chopped basil and parsley
  • lemon zest
  • salt and pepper
  • Pint size Ziplock bag
  • Batter
  • seltzer water
  • all-purpose flour
  • oil for pan frying
  • Salt and pepper




  1. Clean and rinse your flowers - remove the hard pistil from the center.
  2. Mix the stuffing mixture into a small bowl, test for seasonings and adjust to your liking.
  3. Place mixture in the Ziplock back and smush down towards one of the corners. Close the Ziplock, then cut a small tip off the corner off to you can push the mixture through this hole and use it to fill your blossom with the filling.
  4. Heat about 1/4 inch of oil in a pan. Prepare the batter. Dip the blossom gently in the batter, then lay gently in the oil - being careful not to splash. Brown on one side, then gently turn and brown the other, and drain on paper towels.
  5. Sprinkle with some flakey finishing salt and enjoy.




Jul 30, 2019


These flowers may be frozen and gently vacuum sealed for up to 6 months.



All Photographs Copyright Tink's Kitchen and JSGrey

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